What are your plans

There is nothing inherently wrong with making long range plans. But if you are aware of the prevailing times and how they jibe with scripture, then I suggest that you begin to live in the immediate future as well. We can’t go on pretending everything is “hunky-dory,” as we used to say in the “good old days.” Furthermore, in light of the end time happenings surrounding us, we ought to be getting our lives and priorities in order. I would suggest sincere repentance with a capitol “R”, finding your calling, studying the scriptures diligently; adhering to what is written and sincere prayer for our brethren, families, loved ones and our beloved country.

In spite of

biblical prophecy

being played out before our very eyes, we still have some, even so-called Christians, who say, “Where is he that cometh in the name of the Lord or where is the sign of his coming for since the death of the fathers these things have been prophesied.” I would caution you to wake up and smell the coffee. All of the signs of the times are cascading on our heads. Many in America today are living their comfortable lives and are not aware of what’s going on in the world, and don’t want to know. Most of them go about making long range plans as if they were going to live forever. It’s hard to believe a person can ignore the signs and wonders swirling all around him. There are even some Christians who are making plans for things they want to achieve ten years down the line! What arrogance. Obviously they don’t read or care to know scripture as it pertains to the end times.

I’m a firm believer in the inerrancy of the Bible. Lately, upon re-reading the Revelation of John for the umpteenth time, I discovered the believers under the altar of God in chapter 6 who were beheaded for their faith in Christ, and made the connection with the men who are now being beheaded in an ongoing parade by Isis. This alone should be enough to prove to anyone that we are now living in the end times. After all, those who were beheaded for their faith in Revelation chapter 6 are being beheaded right now. How did these acts happen to make their appearance at this precise time in recorded history? If that’s not enough to convince that these are the end times, just take a look at the latest Bible Code.

Although I’m still not convinced that the Bible Code is completely factual, its content is too often phenomenally correct.

Bible Code?…bahhh humbug! Now I ask you, why the God who knows the beginning and the end of things has not been able to disclose a few more tidbits in and through His Word to convince us frail human beings with limited understanding that He truly is the author of Holy Scripture? It’s like He is saying, “Hey people, I dictated what should be written in the Bible, just take a look at this ! can mankind do such a thing as this?

After perusing the internet the other night and casually checking what the latest Bible Code says about 2015-2016 on you tube, I couldn’t help but sit up and take notice of what is said about the very things that are in play right now. Names and places were spelled out as well as key words such as abortion, judgment, America, homosexuals, sin, rapture, repentance. Obama and Netanyahu were mentioned repeatedly! Another thing that blew me away is the naming of seven angels, one after the other. Here are their names, Ramiel, Samiel, Asael, Yuriel, Somiel, Shlinmiel, Raphael, Meshhiel, Azazel, and Abbadon, (Abbadon is another name for the fallen angel – Satan). Could this be the seven angels of Revelation 8:2, plus the other three in that same chapter?

Why are they all referred to in this time frame? Is God trying to tell us something? Could it be that the timing coincides with the actual events described in Revelation chapter 8? If so, then the world can expect to see some pretty fearful and amazing things in the very near future. (Remember, we’re talking about 2015 and 2016.)

I found it amazing that all these words were in close proximity to one another and all you had to do is fill in the blanks as though it were a crossword puzzle. I remember one of the prophets saying that God gives a warning before He passes judgment on mankind, and this could just be it; a message hidden in the pages of the Bible for those who would be living in the final days before the Great Tribulation. Remember too that during the last vision of Daniel, God told him to seal the last revelation up until the end when travel and knowledge would increase. Flight and the internet came to mind. I realize that not all Christians subscribe to this phenomenon, but I say better safe than sorry.

If you’re a skeptic, please don’t try to tell me that you know better than the greatest living mathematicians in the world and a host of other cryptology experts who know about such things. This phenomenon was also written about in notable scientific journals a few years ago, but somehow the general public was only listening to what atheists (who don’t even believe the Bible is the inerrant Word of God) had to say about this fantastic find, and didn’t put much stock in it. I think too that the rate of information is such today that we have a tendency to forget what happened yesterday in order to try to follow what’s happened today. Or it could simply be information overload.

I know, I know,….not to worry, we’ll be gone before then, in the rapture… maybe, and maybe not. God may have to dust us off a bit before we take flight, and if we’re only concerned about ourselves and no one else, then I wonder what God thinks about that? Are you really ready to meet your maker?

I don’t know about you, but I want to stay abreast of all that’s going on in the world each and every day, so that I can talk to others about things that pertain to their lives. In sharing this pertinent information with others, inevitably they will say something that makes it possible to share the Gospel with them. I’m using this approach more and more, and it works since everyone has been blindsided by today’s events and no one has an answer, except “Born Again” Christians.

Christians making long range plans are out of touch with what’s happening in the world today. It may be time to quit playing church and do something about these atrocities. I’ve even had some say to me that they don’t watch the news anymore because it’s too disheartening to see what’s going on in our country and the world at large. What ignorance!!

In the meantime, twenty one Egyptian Christians were beheaded by Isis just yesterday, and it seems to be an ongoing event. Already Isis, Al Qaida, Boko Haram and other Islamic extremist groups have killed tens of thousands of men, women and children, mostly Christians.

If what we see going on in our country and the world is any indication of the last days, then by all means we must quit playing church, repent of our apathy and hardheartedness and seek God’s face in earnest.

Jesus said in Matthew 16:3, “And in the morning, it will be foul weather today: for the sky is red and lowering. Oh you hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but you cannot discern the signs of the times?”

By the way,
It’s my understanding that a movie named “David and Goliath” is out right now in limited release around the country. It isn’t showing in my area.
You realize, of course, that a movie “David” was made years ago staring Richard Gere. I think I’ll see it again to see if I can find any discrepancies in the story line.
Yet another football movie entitled “Wood Lawn” is coming out in the fall. What’s with all the Christian football movies? Obviously the screenwriters of these movies have been living their lives vicariously at football stadiums.

Jim Torres “Towers”

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