Surrogate defies biological parents’ #abortion demand

There are only two world views:
1) We’re product of random chance with no destiny;
2) We’re the result of a deliberate and purposeful Creation…

And every answer to every question in life will derive from our world
view: Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going? To whom
am I accountable?

A couple of thoughts that came to my mind among many.

The couple could not have children, the sister of the intended mom posted a facebook story lamenting that.  They are now blessed with 3, but after the initial excitement decided they only want two.  They tell the surrogate to abort the FEMALE baby. Why you ask?  Because, well three is too many after we thought about it.

The paradigm of the “Ascent of Man” is built on the erroneous view of
man as improving himself through education and technology, et al. It
assumes that man develops in response to his environment. It assumes
that with the proper environment and education that one can change
the fundamental nature of Man. [Even in our courts of law, we excuse
responsibility for crimes as the result of environmentally introduced
factors….] This contradicts what the Scripture teaches us: “The heart is deceitful
above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” (Jeremiah


Surrogate defies biological parents’ #abortion demand

A second surrogate mom carrying triplets and being pressured to abort one of her fetuses is sticking to her guns in a desperate bid to save the unborn child.The birth parents “knew from the beginning that we wouldn’t want to abort unless it was a life-and-death situation,” anguished surrogate Brittneyrose Torres told The Post.

“We would never want to abort a baby’s life.”

Torres, 26, of Thousand Oaks, Calif., agreed to tell her story after seeing The Post’s report last month about another surrogate mom, Melissa Cook, who was being pressured to abort one of the triplets she was carrying. She, too, refused.  After reading that story, Torres reached out to The Center for Bioethics and Culture Network, a surrogacy watchdog, in an effort to fight the abortion demand. Torres is 17 weeks pregnant.

She was initially implanted with two fertilized eggs, in hopes that one of them would develop. Both did, and one split in half, making twins — a not-uncommon occurrence during in vitro fertilization. The twins are male and the third child is female.  “We did not think we would be in this position,” Torres said.


Read the rest of the story at NY Post


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