An Open Letter to Gen. Flynn

I want to thank you for stepping up and out and bravely lending your voice to the millions that are voiceless.

Thucydides in his history of the Peloponnesian War says, “The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and, notwithstanding, go out to face it.”  You did so and I stand with you ready to lend my voice to the fight. 

If I may offer some insight from my narrow vantage point, my thoughts center on your comment about the powers that be “driving God out of our families, our schools, and our courts” even our very churches, which many church’s will gladly accept, sadly.  I would add from the military as well. 

When I see a Ranger tabbed officer, testify against his commander in chief and participate in an attempted coup, I hang my head low and cry.  Where is the honor, where is the keeping oneself morally straight? I still hold the creed as something worthy to live up to.  However, the rot in the military is another battle the “children of darkness” have created a strong beachhead in. 

A west point cadet goes four years thru the academy with rabid communist leanings and he is allowed to continue and graduate, only after his images go viral is action taken! We have a retired SEAL admiral opine that our duly elected President, not terrorism, nor China, nor a rouge nuclear nation is the biggest threat to national security. Meanwhile a SEAL Team 7 platoon was sent home from Iraq because of a deterioration of good order and discipline and separately allegations of sexual assault, cocaine use among the teams, so much so that there was ordered a review of the culture and ethics of the elite units.  The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff just today, “launched an outspoken attack on the Confederacy and signaled his support for the military renaming bases named for Confederate leaders”.  The cancel culture has reached the top of the military and it is part of a deliberate design to pursue the deconstruction of our nation, its heritage, family values and traditions in pursuit of a dangerous agenda built on the failed policies of the past.  The list could go on, but the sobering truth is our moral compass is lost, the military always provided a bedrock and foundation for our future leaders.  I fear the darkness has crept in

The military has lost its bearing, and true north is off a few degrees.  We can course correct, but that takes hard moral leadership.  Our military cemeteries are filled with patriots who died fighting against everything the liberals and establishment republicans stand for.  

Any businessman will tell you if you are running out of cash, you obviously have a cash flow problem. However, cash flow is a symptom, not a cause itself.  It is an indicator of something more serious.  In the same way America is in moral free fall, as you stated we have taken God out of schools, homes, entertainment, military and even our very own Church’s.  As my mentor taught me, “We are victims of spiritual warfare.  We have media masking truth. We have courts without Justice.  We have anger replacing patriotism.  We have schools deliberately dumbing down our youth.  We have replaced our traditional heritage with “multiculturalism,” revisionism, and values relativism.”

We are in a moral crisis and it has been a long time coming, we have ceded the high ground. With an election around the corner – and one that may prove to be a “watershed” for the future of the Republic. 

President James Garfield expressed it well:

Now more than ever before, the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption. If it be intelligent, brave, and pure, it is because the people demand these high qualities to represent them in the national legislature…

If the next centennial does not find us a great nation… it will be because those who represent the enterprise, the culture, and the morality of the nation do not aid in controlling the political forces.

America was once a beachhead for liberty, truth, freedom and the Gospel to a hurting world, we need to do what many leaders have done in the past in times of crisis and hold fast to 2 Chronicles 7:14 and “seek His face.”   It may be that He forgives our nation of its sins and grants us another opportunity to reestablish the America that once was.  

I will keep you and your family in our prayers and know that I and many others are on the frontlines of the fight to take back our Republic.

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