By Jim Towers

If, like the bible says, “The eyes are the mirror of the soul” then we Christians have much to be concerned about. Foaming at the mouth atheists, homosexuals, radicals, and drug addled criminals are today trying to dismantle our country; a country once deemed a Christian Nation. Their very eyes tell the story. The life of extreme leftists imbue confusion, hate, greed and self-righteousness. It permeates their very souls. 

Common sense is out of vogue and these days it’s the person who acts erratic and speaks foolishness that gets noticed. You can see evil in their eyes.

Now that wouldn’t be so bad, but those who are willing to listen to these foolish and lost people are themselves acting and looking the part of complete lunatics, dancing naked in the streets of America to promote their evil lifestyles. Fancying themselves as liberators in their drug and lust induced delusions they are only fooling themselves and will one day pay the ultimate price for their godlessness.

In one sense they are liberators, but the misguided Godless liberators only want to be liberated from the constraints of God – constraints that are given in the Ten Commandments for our own good, yet our countries leaders break them indiscriminately.  In the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 2 it says, “A wise man’s heart is on the right hand – but the fool’s heart is on the left.”

 I shall try to name the most influential and evil possessed of the left – beginning with:

The Catholic Pope – Today, this common man is trying to unite Christianity with Islam (Chris-lam) – a faith that kills anyone who will not adhere to their evil religion, and he continues to harbor and protect pedophile priests and nuns. (More is being revealed on the inner workings of this cult as we speak.)

George Soros – Although a Jew by birth, he is a former Nazi sympathizer who fingered out his own during the holocaust and had them robbed and killed – with no remorse and became a multi-billionaire intent on changing the face of the world.

Bernie Sanders – Is an advocate of the Saul Alinsky way of subversion (double speak) telling people what he thinks they want to hear. Here is a man who would sell his soul to the devil – that is if he believed in one.

Hillary Clinton – Is perhaps the deadliest woman in world history. Aside from the Jezebel of the bible she continues to leave a trail of dead bodies in her wake. Try not to get caught by her evil gaze.

Rapist William Jefferson Clinton. The ultimate rapist with eyes filled with lust.

Barack Obama – Is a man who in his first two times on the floor of the Senate (as a junior Senator) advocated for late term abortions and continues to fight for that evil right. – the Muslim traitor to our Christian Nation deceived multitudes of politically correct people into voting him into office twice. There is too much to divulge about this man’s deception except to say that only the devil is capable of such deceit. This man can look you in the eye and lie through his big teeth. (Now there is talk of him running for president yet again!)

Nancy Pelosi – Encroaching dementia says it all, poor woman.

Maxine Waters – wacky – cowboy hat wearing – congress woman.

The perverted Podesta brothers John and Tony – truly evil in every way.

Anthony Weiner…whose name belies his obsession.

The newest Democrat to hit the stage is the U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocaseo Cortes. Talk about eyes of the soul – this woman is rabidly delusional, and it shows in so many other ways.

From this point on, there are simply too many other demented political leaders to mention.

On another note:

Sunday, our church which has seating for 6000 was filled to capacity; running late I took the very last chair in the very last row of the sanctuary. Our pastor delivered a good pertinent message and afterward announced that we were observing the Lords Supper – as it was that time of the month. 

As the elements were passes down the aisle, I noticed that a young dark skinned East Indian man whom I had never seen before and was two seats away from me to my right. Wondering if he would partake of the elements I watched to see if he would – he didn’t. 

That’s when I realized that he might not be a Christian. And so as soon as the service ended, I made my way over to him and introduced myself. 

“Hi, my name is Jim” to which he replied in like manner. We sauntered out into the entrance way and stepped aside to let people pass and to carry out a conversation that went like this, “Are you a Christian?” I asked.

“No but my mother recently became one, I’m a Hindu.” 

“Well then, what did you think of the service?”

“I enjoyed what the pastor said.” He replied

“The Pastor teaches from the bible; do you own one?”

“Not yet” he replied.”

“I’ve been studying the bible for over forty years and it has never failed me. In it you can find the word of God and the salvation message as well as comfort for the soul.” as I showed him my well-worn forth one that was highlighted throughout with verses that were important to me” I said.

The young man (who appeared to be in his thirties) was intrigued to say the least.

Next, I explained the difference between the Old and New Testaments and asked him to read it to seek Gods face prayerfully.

The last of the people swirled around us as they left for their cars.

The last thing I told him is that his mother had probably been praying for him to find the God of the bible and His Glorious Son – Christ Jesus

On my way home I was elated that God had let me experience -yet again, a Divine Appointment.


Jim Towers         You can contact me at  and www.thepropheciesmovieand book  – also at  

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