and the upcoming political storm

By Jim Towers

Because I am 10 miles east of the coast, I have barely escaped the devastation of hurricane Ian. And so am writing even as the hurricane is pummeling Southwest Florida. It is a very serious category 5 storm. With 12 18 ft. water surges, as the eye approaches land near Sanibel, Captiva, Ft. Meyers and Sarasota; it is expected to be the strongest storm in the area in recent memory.  

Marco Island which is the southernmost city of the on the west coast, the streets are covered with water, and it is about ninety miles south from the eye of the storm. The hurricane  is about 150 miles across the center. The bridges have been closed and now there is no escape for those who hesitated and now they will be left behind to endure the full brunt of the storm. (It sounds like the rapture, doesn’t it?)

Governor De Santi urged everyone to hunker down as it is too late to leave the most vulnerable locations where the storm will strike on the coast. The eye of the storm will linger over a given area for up to three hours, first the winds will buffet the area below it to the left to right and then as the eye passes over the winds will hit again from right to left.

Local officials are doing what they can to coordinate the rescue teams ready to come in and rescue those who stayed behind as well as those who could not get out of the storm’s way for various reasons, – but only after the storm subsides, what with power lines trees falling and debris flying at tremendous speed it can get to be deadly out there.

The storm coverage is the best I’ve ever seen or heard, and the weather reporters have been giving updates and warnings for the past 48 hours. NBC has been doing an excellent job in keeping us informed on television and radio. However, the internet has been out for 36 hours now.

There were 8-12 ft surges here in Collier County where I am at 9:07 this morning. And at about twelve noon my mission station (the Naples Pier) is still standing but closed with damages after having been repaired twice since I’ve been living here. 

Four years ago, hurricane Irma was a Cat three. It did significant damage where I live in Naples. Electricity was out for eleven days without so much as a Microwave or having water or ice. Hurricane Ian is one digit less than a category five – it was a very powerful storm. 

My son Matthew who lives in North Dakota just left a text message to not forget to pray and to hunker down. But luckily, we escaped the brunt of the storm. We are experts by now at handling all the effects of these storms. 

Hurricane Andrew that hit Homestead Florida was a real doozy and I volunteered to go there with the church I was attending at the time to help feed those whose homes were swept away. Then Came Ivan that hit the Panhandle which was a significant storm as well. I spent weeks clearing and cutting up huge trees that had been toppled by the winds.

At noon, all bridges that connect to the mainland have been closed to traffic. The Skyway bridge, (one of the highest bridges in the country), has been closed as well. I well remember the five-mile bridge in Pensacola having had a section collapse and a trucker having gone over the end and meeting his death during hurricane Ivan. You just never know when you are going to meet your maker. I just hope he was saved.

The Catastrophic hurricane has passed, and huge pieces of debris, chunks of concrete, asphalt and trees are littering the streets. The Sanibel causeway was swept away, and some cars and houses were up to eight feet under water. Houses were flooded up to the attic, rooves were torn away by winds that reached 150 miles an hour. Power lines are down and 130,000 people are left without electricity. Ft. Meyers/Ft. Meyers Beach was also hit hard.

Rescue teams from Miami and around the country are responding and began operations beginning at first light. Now several homes are on fire. At 3:00 P.M. Thursday the 29 Th. of September the day after the storm seven people have died so far.

The Political storm due in November is also beginning to shape up. Let us hope that it isn’t a Cat 5 as well. The storm shaping up on the political front, can be likened to the hurricane that has just pummeled Southwest Florida. 

The upcoming political storm began just after the rigged presidential election took place, during the last presidential election, and now we are experiencing the calm before the storm hitting us from the opposite direction.

Many people on the Left and on the Right were predicting the failure of the electronic voting systems and indeed they did fail us, the Communist Chinese made sure of that. But they weren’t the only ones to tamper with the results, there were several others involved as well. As the 2000 Mule documentary by Dinesh De Sousa can testify, and if these irregularities aren’t corrected by eliminating the voting machines altogether then once again there will be doubt about the votes during the Mid-term elections as well; in which case there may be rioting in the streets. Only this time even conservatives may be involved as well, depending on who wins the most seats.

Once again, the Communist Left will try to steal the election to keep control of the House and Senate, but it won’t work. Everyone is aware of the theft that took place during the last Presidential race. Like President Trump we conservatives were flabbergasted as most other people were when the election was called for Joe Biden. 

Like the hurricane of today there is a lot of bluster, and positioning as the next political storm is shaping up in the United States. The results of the mid – term elections will determine whether we survive the catastrophic results of the Biden – so called administration.

The Left is doing all it can to discourage President Trump from running four years from now. In fact, they have been searching for ways to incarcerate him. Although they’ve thrown everything, they have in their arsenal at the wall – nothing has stuck. They are rabid in their dislike of him even though he has done nothing to warrant their animosity toward him. With the pollical winds picking up and as the day of reckoning (November 3) approaches, the communists will do anything short of assassinating the one president that did more good things for this country than any other president. 

With the lackluster performance of Joe Biden, even hard-core Democrats now want to rid themselves of the obvious puppet in the White House. He is as much an embarrassment to our Christian nation as was Barack Hussain Obama who was always apologizing for the U.S. being a corrupt country, when in fact, we have always been a benevolent society that even went so far as re-building our wartime enemies economies and structures after war.

The eye of the political storm is tightening and soon all hell may break loose with the fate of our country hanging in the balance. If the Left wins by hook or crook, we will devolve into a communist state. Laws will be uprooted like so many young saplings and be strewn along the path of destruction. It will be brother against brother, son against father and neighbor against neighbor.

For too long Christians have been complacent as the radical left has taken over our learning institutions and courts of law. Soon though, even churches that have been watching from the sidelines will begin to speak up as the day of reconning approaches. But it may be too little too late. Complacency and the good life have had its day and now we may get what we deserve.

As the winds increase and people begin to hunker down to wait out the storm, much will have already been uprooted and all other things we take for granted have been shaken to the core. Jesus warned that a house built on the sand and not the solid foundation of Christianity is certain to crumble.

If that isn’t enough, there are the winds of war forming; a war known as the war of Gog and Magog. That is to say, the war of Communist China and Russia and their allies making war in which we will ultimately be swept up in – as they go after all the goodies of Israel.


Just when I thought no one cared for my safety I received Emails from my readers out of concern for my safety.

Matthew T., Kelly Tyson in Texas, John Broadwater, in England, Brad Keefer Sr. Joyce B. Johnny B. and Kaye Buckley in Australia are the special people who wrote.

God bless them for pulling me out of a deep blue funk.


Jim Towers

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