By Jim Towers

This is my last and final writing for dropzonedelta and raptureready and already I feel light as a feather. 

Feeling responsible for the many who read my columns along with my (480) Facebook friends – I ask that you understand what this burden entailed. It entailed research, prayer, boldness and a commitment to the Word of God. Coupled with diligent study of the Holy Scriptures and other writings by Godly men, I followed Christ’s teachings as best I could, with all human understanding plus the Holy Spirits help. And I did this all for FREE at the expense of my denying my own desires and aspirations. (If I had put as much effort and time into making a living or pursuing my dreams, I would be a wealthy man today.) Nevertheless, my riches are stored in heaven where neither rust nor decay can touch them. I wrote (and continue to tweak my screenplay) to be able to share my spiritual experiences and evangelical exploits with the masses and to encourage other Christians – as I was commanded to do.

Having studied scripture for over forty years with a sincere attitude and open mind I never tried to put God in a box and let Him work freely in my life through the Holy spirit and although I never obtained a theological degree, I can debate the best of them who have done so simply from first- hand experience and walking with God on a daily basis – as opposed to book learning in bible school or seminary. (I explain this more fully in my 248-page manuscript – that has yet to be published because I will not self – publish it – as so many others are doing these days. I leave that to God’s timing or desire to do so.)

Writing for the masses had been quite an eye- opening experience with most men being wimpy and afraid of sharing the Gospel with strangers, while others deny Christ all together. This is the cost of political correctness and or fear of men that permeate our society in these final hours.

Alas, my written words and admonitions appear to have fallen on some deaf ears while many of you are still living under a rock, – and this while going to church like good little children who still drink milk and would choke on meat. Some of you are complete zombies – just going through the motions of living. But Jesus said, “Only those who throw their lives away for my sake, will truly know what it means to live.”

Loving people the way I do I can only grieve about the confusion and loss of hope that has come upon them – especially the young.

As pertains to apostasy, many of you are seeing it happen in your very own congregations, like the Laodicean church you have become complacent, neither hot nor cold and accepting of heretical teaching by not studying scripture and communing with God daily.

In my 45 years of church going I’ve seen everything from apostacy, divorces, adultery, sexual perversion, heretical teaching, anti-Semitism, hate, jealousy to self-aggrandizement. 

In my former church this recently happened all at once; yet knowing this firsthand I stayed because of the good Gospel pastor there, (Doctor Hayes Wicker). That is – until this good man chose to retire. Albeit, he was betrayed and deceived by his staff, so called friends and associates. (If this man had a character flaw it was his naiveté about hiring these deceptive and self-seeking usurpers.)

One of them was a portly televangelist wannabe who taught a class there and was a tax lawyer who had his own foundation. He proved to be a self-seeking foe and not the friend of the pastor he pretended to be. When I confronted him with, “I thought he was your friend he replied, “Oh, I have other friends” I thought – “I’m glad I’m not one.”

The other so-called pastor, – a shiny headed man with great speaking skills – but cold as ice and with absolutely no love in his heart, I suppose took over – fulfilling a lifelong dream of commanding the podium. I don’t know, as I left as fast as I could.

Then there is the other wimpy teacher whose only skill is teaching geography and being able to print (like a child) rapidly on the chalk board behind him. This was the same guy who balked at having his prayer group praying for one of my readers in Kenya whose village was soon to be attacked by Boco Haram, after the Cristian villager E-mailed me asking for prayer. I asked the head of that prayer group to have the group pray for the Kenyan man and his village. He consulted with this class teacher and they decided that since I wasn’t a member of the prayer group they wouldn’t pray for my reader and his village. – I never heard from that poor man again…..he and his Christian family probably died at the hands of these crazed radical Muslims.

After the huge campus church was rejuvenated without the congregation’s approval. Things went bad from that point on. The refurbished place looked like a staging auditorium, lacking warmth, and with all the whiteheads nodding off during the sermons or talking football and golf.

But that was soon to change with loud music and Hollywood wannabes taking over the stage and with smoke hanging from the ceiling and flashing strobe lights. If they thought, they could do as good as some of the secular professionals they were wrong – completely wrong, since we Christians are supposed to be set apart, a peculiar people given over to faith and love of others. Instead they were trying to be like the world – something the young seekers are disillusioned with in the first place and who are seeking something more meaningful and real…vis a vis… the unvarnished Gospel.

With the music leader who is a “preacher wannabe” taking over (he often had the choir sing un-inspired songs that I’m sure he wrote himself) – songs whose wording and repetition make no sense. To top it all, he now has his chance to appear Godly on the podium with his bad acting at fervent prayer and whiney admonitions from the pulpit – emulating Benny Hinn.

Then there is the older prayer warrior with the woody woodpecker hairdo who avoided me at all costs. I guess he was offended that I wouldn’t let him pray for me – as I can always pray for myself and do as the bible says, to “Pray without ceasing”).

I fully intend to present a copy of this article to these individuals who are sure to destroy what it took a good man (Pastor Hayes Wicker) twenty- seven years to build. – What a travesty of justice. 

I predict, that if the rapture doesn’t happen within in the next ten years this once vibrant church will be overgrown with weeds and decay or in its place there will be a Muslim Mosque if they don’t change their ways.


The Lord laid it on my heart to fulfill my destiny in other ways – to promote the kingdom of God and to comfort and encourage the confused and hurting masses – especially the younger generations. 


Oh, not to cry…. you will all be alright, and my guess is that before the week is out you will all have forgotten that I even existed.

Many thanks to Todd Strandberg (A fearless man of God) who founded Rapture Ready and to his wonderful and tireless editor, Cindy Snead Nuara).

Goodbye and God bless you all.


Jim Torres “Towers”    

My loyal followers can still reach me at or my web page

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