By Jim Towers

Some of you may envision me a haggard wild- eyed man wearing a sandwich board saying “The End is Near” but as much as I’d like to be able to do that – I don’t want people to look at me as some religious kook. Instead I always try to maintain a degree of decorum when I’m out in public. 

It also helps that I really care for people since people can often tell when you are being phony or seeking attention. 

I’m surprised at how many people don’t know beans about the things of God. I usually have to spoon feed them with applicable scriptures that jibe with what we are talking about. 

When I feel led to pray for a person I never stop to consider where we are nor what we are doing, and amazingly they never refuse prayer. 

Living this way makes my life worthwhile and adventuresome.

I don’t usually hand out tracts, (but I have in the past) and I may do so again as things get more out of control among the un-saved. However, I enjoy the human touch and give and take of good conversation. I know that it is the Holy Spirit who does the heavy lifting. He is the one who essentially does the convicting and without Him the evangelist can do nothing. You can’t argue people into heaven, and they can’t argue with the Word of God.

My life is full of activity and I’ve shared the gospel with many interesting people along the way, some artists, actors, writers, musicians, doctors, lawyers, politicians, laborers, homosexuals, prostitutes, criminals, policemen, educators and scholars.

My new friend the scholarly Jewish fellow has quit corresponding with me and I’m afraid he has been talking to his Rabbi about me. I really enjoyed the give and take of our conversations. Of course, he asked what I thought about the German people being as brilliant as they are were able to kill millions of their fellow man. I had to remind him of the existence of Satan and explained that Lucifer led a rebellion against God and was cast to earth for doing so. He -having been here – from the beginning has always held sway over human beings’ thoughts and actions. I will follow up on him shortly anyway. 


(Today I did follow up on him by Email and he responded very favorably toward me.) He sent me the news that Muslims were going to help build a new temple and asked what I thought of it. 

This is a portion of the article he sent me.

By United With Israel Staff

On Friday in New York, an organization called the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity unveiled a design for the Abrahamic House, a unique complex that will include a mosque, church and the United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) first official synagogue on Saadiyat Island in Abu Dhabi.

The project was initiated in response to Pope Francis and Dr. Ahmed Al Tayeb, the Grand Imam of Al Azhar, signing the Document on Human Fraternity in February, during the pontiff’s visit to Abu Dhabi, the UAE’s capital. The document called for the “reconciliation of people from all faiths and goodwill in service of universal peace.”

This was the first visit by a pope to the Arabian Peninsula.

I replied that it was being done in preparation for the “End Times” one world religion and government that will soon come into being. 


A young homosexual acquaintance that I’ve been witnessing to seems to be deeply troubled about the path he has chosen but won’t or can’t repent and I detect a malevolent spirit within him. I even thought that since this spirit has such a strong hold on him, I might have to perform an exorcism on this troubled young man.  

Not to worry – ( In the past, I’ve held a possessed woman in my arms and prayed for her as she wept uncontrollably – even though she hadn’t bathed in a long while and had black claw like fingernails ) but I’m hoping I might not have to travel that path. Demon possession is a tricky thing to deal with, but I’m convinced that today many people are possessed of the Devil. There is no other explanation for the many crimes committed.

It seems my life is taking on another direction or at least another dimension encompassing the intelligentsia among the masses. Although I’ve witnessed to doctors and lawyers -one on one -in the past they appear to be popping up in the most unlikely places in my life. I embrace the challenge and am well prepared and armed for any encounter. 

I recently went to hear former Special Agent Thomas Eastwood lecture on the Mueller report. The title of his lecture was Analysis of Russian influence on U.S. Elections. He is a very interesting man and will be lecturing on other topics in the very near future. I hope to learn what I can of the goings on in government behind closed doors and eventually share Christ with this man as well.

Today I met another interesting writer of World History. After arriving home I wrote and offered to let him read one of my very favorite books and to introduce him to scripture as well – as he appears to be a liberal who’s overly concerned about his grandchildren having to deal with climate change in the near future. I told him he should be more concerned about the evil that is overtaking the world – he agreed and gave me his card.

I am having the time of my life in talking to these intellects who know nothing of Christ and of where they will spend eternity.


Jim Towers      

Write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com and visit www.dropzonedelta.com and my website 


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