There are many fearful things happening in the world today. Do you wonder what’s going and why?

Did you know that the Bible will tell you why we are living in such chaotic times? It is all because we’ve turned our backs on our Great and Mighty Creator – God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Jehovah.

Think about it, when was the last time you heard the words Sin, Remorse or Repentance. 

When the Apostles asked Jesus what would be the signs of his coming again, He replied, “There shall be wars and rumors of war, 

According to Jesus’ words we are living in that time period.

Never before in the history have we been able to destroy the entire population on earth. Can you say Nuclear war? 

Bigger and more violent earthquakes are happening everywhere on the face of the earth.

Pestilence is everywhere. Diseases and STDs are rampant with as many as 50% of Americans affected by one form or another. 

The Love of many shall grow cold.

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